What the exam is really about How are the questions written and the best sources to use Maximising your answers for the win The Exam Matrix How to prepare when you're one month out or 7 months out Own The ABG/VBG (Bread and Butter I) Own the ECG and every ECG ever asked (Bread and Butter II) X-Rays you must Know (Bread and Butter III) Paeds: It's a big part of the exam and we cover the major topics Toxicology Made Simple Surgery Review: The Essentials Trauma Review: What you need Resuscitation Review O&G: You'd be surprised at often it comes up PLUS a Quick Look at: Altitude/ Dysbarism/ Hypothermia/hyperthermia/thyroid crisis/DKA/HHS PLUS FOR ALL THOSE REGISTERING BEFORE 1st February 2025, you will have access to an examination that will be marked for you with suggestions for improving performance