The link to Roadblock1 is below. Just as for the Initiation Road Block the real point of this exam is to give you first hand experience of where you need to be to pass the written paper. SET ASIDE 66 MINUTES TO DO THIS ROADBLOCK Then mark your progress. You can always look at the final questions afterwards.
The exam is a live typed form. ACEM is going completely typed, and so are we!
Please put in your name (so we know whose paper we are marking) and your own email, so you get a copy of your answers. The form sends answers to us automatically.
Enter your answers to each question in the relevant answer boxes. Note that the questions are repeated in italics above the exam boxes. You do not need to re-read the question - it is simply there so that it shows up in the printed answers. Answer off the large text question asked in the paper.
You are free to leave boxes blank if you wish.
If you don't finish to time, please include the notation "TIME EXPIRED" in the answer box where your time runs out, so that we can give you an accurate mark.
A couple of notes about how we intend this item to be used:
There are 10 questions, over 1 hour and 6 minutes. This is one third of the real exam, but it is long enough to give you a real taste of what you're in for.
Treat the exam as real. We will be marking it that way.
Seriously, treat the exam as real. Stick to time, give yourself the full hour and use a computer rather than a phone. This is a good chance to find out how you are tracking towards the timing, knowledge and answering standard you will need to achieve to have a good chance of passing the examination in February.
When you have finished, press the 'submit button'. This will automatically send us a copy of your answers.
Arguing with us about scoring x instead of x+1 marks will be as futile as if this were the real exam. The point of this exercise is to simulate the examination and provide you with an honest estimate of how you are tracking in terms of your answer structure, timing, writing and content. Whether you score 4/6 or 5/6 for SAQ 3 (ii) is irrelevant compared to this. Make sure you focus on the true point of the exercise.
Finally, we would remind you that each of the candidates in the course has invested a significant amount of personal time and money to participate. We would ask you please to keep the roadblock questions confidential. We don't think it's fair on our candidates that people who have not been prepared to commit the same resources as you all have are given free access to the course's intellectual property.