Below is the recording of our study strategy Webinar from mid December. For those who couldn't attend and have questions, submit them via our Facebook Page and we will answer as best we can.
WEBINAR: 13th July-- Q&A + more
Here is the Transcript of the messages during the event. These make for very good reading, as a lot of you will have the same questions.
00:00:50Peter Kas:Is that working a little better? 00:00:54Taha Aljassim:yes 00:00:57Simin:yes 00:01:53hesly:yes 00:01:54kerry lee:yes 00:01:54Eva Ross:yes 00:01:55Laura Fitzpatrick:Yes 00:01:56Katie Brewin:Yep 00:01:59Simin:yup 00:12:20Simin:Yeah! 00:39:03kerry lee:Minor question; is there negative marks on minor spelling errors (eg I seem to spell amitryptiline differently each time)… 00:39:26ajay8:Hi Luke, is the disposition important in a management question? ie would it be a mandatory answer? 00:41:29ajay8:Also should I include refer to ICU for a septic patient for example... after referring them to surgery for source control. 00:42:07ajay8:Thank you. 00:43:20Eva Ross:Hi I need to go to my night shift but would like to listen on my phone in the car if you could admit me to the meeting please? Thanks :) 00:43:30Peter Kas:Yes done 00:45:01kerry lee:Haha yes was a joke 00:46:59kerry lee:Yes thanks 00:51:42ajay8:And.... will there be a question on COVID-19 00:56:16ajay8:makes sense, thank you. 00:57:30Asaad Hamid Kazmi:ARDS and lung protective ventilation strategy should be fair go 00:58:48Taha Aljassim:Do you recommend to read ACEM policies? 01:06:03Asaad Hamid Kazmi:regards to blood gas do we need to learn A-a gradient 01:09:57kerry lee:Antibiotic guidelines can vary a lot between hospitals - doesn’t matter? 01:10:50Arash Kaghazian:thank you. have a good night. 01:10:50kerry lee:cheers 01:10:55Simin:Thanks Luke, that was very helpful! 01:10:55hesly:Great, thanks 01:11:00Taha Aljassim:Thanks heaps 01:11:04Laura Fitzpatrick:THanks 01:11:13ajay8:Thank you, Luke. I'll keep soldiering on. 01:11:16Eva’s iPhone:thanks