Roadblock I is below. There are two files for you: the question paper, and the the supplementary information booklet with clinical images, ECGs, pathology etc. To give the exam verisimilitude we have structured it this way to mirror ACEMs statements about the real examination.
A couple of notes about how we intend this item to be used:
There are 10 questions, over 1 hour and 6 minutes. This is one third of the real exam, but it is long enough to give you a real taste of what you're in for.
Download the files, print them out and answer on the paper provided. The roadblock is intended to simulate the real examination as much as possible.
Treat the exam as real. We will be marking it that way.
Seriously, treat the exam as real. Stick to time, give yourself the full hour and use the pen you plan to use in the real thing. This is a good chance to find out how you are tracking towards the timing, knowledge and answering standard you will need to achieve to have a good chance of passing the real examination.
Remember, if we cannot read your answer you will score 0.
When you have finished, scan your question paper and email it to both Luke and Peter ([email protected] & [email protected]). We will mark the paper and provide you with individual and confidential feedback on your performance. (This may take us a small amount of time as we will often have 20+ papers to mark!).
Questions can be discussed on the course Facebook Page, and people can post answers they thought were particularly good or ask about questions they thought were particularly hard.
Arguing with us about scoring x instead of x+1 marks will be as futile as if this were the real exam. The point of this exercise is to simulate the examination and provide you with an honest estimate of how you are tracking in terms of your answer structure, timing, writing and content. Whether you score 4/6 or 5/6 for SAQ 3 (ii) is irrelevant compared to this. Make sure you focus on the true point of the exercise.
Finally, we would remind you that each of the candidates in the course has invested a significant amount of personal time and money to participate. We would ask you please to keep the roadblock files confidential. We don't think it's fair on our candidates that people who have not been prepared to commit the same resources as you all have are given free access to the course's intellectual property.