Sample Course Syllabus
MODULE 8 short answer questions.
Below are 5 SAQs. You have 30 minutes. Good luck!
Module 8 SAQS
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SAQ 1.
excerpt of the Australian resuscitation council guideline for advanced life support is shown below.
Question 1. (4 marks)
What is the difference between a “shockable” and “non-shockable” rhythm? Give 2 examples of a shockable rhythm.
Question 1. (4 marks) What is the difference between a “shockable” and “non-shockable” rhythm? Give 2 examples of a shockable rhythm.
Question 2. (1mark)
What is the ratio of compressions to breaths for CPR?
Question 2. (1mark) What is the ratio of compressions to breaths for CPR?
Question 3. (4 marks)
What doses and when should drugs be given for a “shockable rhythm”?
Question 3. (4 marks) What doses and when should drugs be given for a “shockable rhythm”?
Question 4. (2 marks)
What dose of adrenaline should be given when in a non-shockable rhythm? (1 mark)
Question 4. (2 marks) What dose of adrenaline should be given when in a non-shockable rhythm? (1 mark)
Question 5. (1 mark)
What is the ratio of compressions to ventilations in children?
Question 5. (1 mark) What is the ratio of compressions to ventilations in children?
Question 6. (6 marks)
Give 6 reversible causes of non-shockable arrests in adults.
Question 6. (6 marks) Give 6 reversible causes of non-shockable arrests in adults.
A 78 year old man presents to your emergency department with the ambulance after an episode of syncope. On arrival his vital signs are
HR 54 /min
BP 112/65 mmHg
RR 18 /min
T 37.1 oC
His ECG on arrival is shown below.
Question 1. (5 marks)
What give three abnormalities seen on the ECG, the underlying diagnosis and are the implications for this patient's presentation?
Question 1. (5 marks) What give three abnormalities seen on the ECG, the underlying diagnosis and are the implications for this patient's presentation?
Question 2.
The patient suffers an episode of syncope in the department. His vital signs are retaken:
HR 35 /min
BP 72/38 /min
A repeat ECG is shown below. Give two abnormalities shown by the ECG and the diagnosis.
Question 2. The patient suffers an episode of syncope in the department. His vital signs are retaken: HR 35 /min BP 72/38 /min A repeat ECG is shown below. Give two abnormalities shown by the ECG and the diagnosis.
Question 3. (4 marks)
Give 2 medications you could administer in this situation and the appropriate doses?
Question 3. (4 marks) Give 2 medications you could administer in this situation and the appropriate doses?
saq 3. (FOLLOWS FROM SAQ 2.)
The patient from SAQ 2 has does not respond to the drugs you administer.
Question 1.
What treatment will you now administer? (1 mark)
Question 1. What treatment will you now administer?
Question 2.
Describe your method for doing this. (5 marks)
Question 2. Describe your method for doing this. (5 marks)
Question 3. (7 marks)
Select pathology results for the patient are shown below. Give 3 major abnormalities and give 2 treatments you will commence.
Na+ 140 mmol/L
K+ 6.1 mmol/L
Cl- 100 mmol/L
Urea 13.6 mmol/L
Creatinine 146 mmol/L
digoxin 12 ng/ml
Question 3. (7 marks) Select pathology results for the patient are shown below. Give 3 major abnormalities and give 2 treatments you will commence.
A 17 year old male presents after an episode of syncope on the soccer pitch. He has no medical history of note. On presentation to the emergency department his vital signs are:
HR 67 /min
BP 110/65 mmHg
RR 18 /min
Sats 99% RA
T 37.2 oC
He is placed in the subacute area and an ECG is taken.
Question 1. (3 marks)
What is the major abnormality seen on the ECG and what diagnosis is suggested?
Question 1. (3 marks) What is the major abnormality seen on the ECG and what diagnosis is suggested?
Question 2. (1 mark)
The nurse looking after the patient reports another episode of syncope in the department, and tells you he has run a repeat ECG which is shown below. What does the ECG show?
Question 2. (1 mark) The nurse looking after the patient reports another episode of syncope in the department, and tells you he has run a repeat ECG which is shown below. What does the ECG show?
Question 3. (2 marks)
The patient is awake, with a blood pressure of 110 systolic. What treatment will you administer?
Question 3. (2 marks) The patient is awake, with a blood pressure of 110 systolic. What treatment will you administer?
Question 4. (5 marks)
Shortly after treating this patient, the ambulance brings in a 56 year old patient who has ROSC after a cardiac arrest in the community. He has had 5 minutes of CPR and responded to a 200J for ventricular fibrillation. The patient has been intubated on scene. On arrival he is sedated, paralyzed and his vital signs are:
HR 104 /min
BP 95/60 mmHg
RR 16
Sats 100% 100% O2
T 37.4 oC
Give 5 treatment priorities you now have for this new patient?
Give 5 treatment priorities you now have for this new patient?
A 68 year old woman presents with a high fever and dyspnoea. She describes having a productive cough for the preceding 3 days. She has a history of rheumatoid arthritis treated with methotrexate.
On arrival her vital signs are:
HR 119 /min
BP 86/42 mmHg
RR 36 /min
Sats 92% 6L O2
Question 1. (4 marks)
How will you clinically assess the volume status of this patient?
Question 1. (4 marks) How will you clinically assess the volume status of this patient?
A venous gas is taken in the resuscitation room and the results are shown below.
pH 7.25
pCO2 32 mmHg
HCO3- 16 mmol/L
BE -8
Na+ 132 mmol/L
K+ 5.5 mmol/L
Cl- 100 mmol/L
Urea 12.5 mmol/L
Cr 130 umol/L
Lactate 4.6 mmol/L
Question 2. (3 marks)
Give 3 acid/base disturbances that are present.
Question 2. (3 marks) Give 3 acid/base disturbances that are present.
Question 3. (2 marks)
Provide 2 calculations to support your answer.
Question 3. (2 marks) Provide 2 calculations to support your answer.
Question 4. (3 marks)
Give 3 other abnormalities seen on the blood gas.
Question 4. (3 marks) Give 3 other abnormalities seen on the blood gas.
Question 5. (2 marks)
Clinically the patient is anuric. Provide an explanation for this based on the VBG and a calculation to support your answer.
Question 5. (2 marks) Clinically the patient is anuric. Provide an explanation for this based on the VBG and a calculation to support your answer.
Question 6. (3 marks)
What initial management will you institute?
Question 6. (3 marks) What initial management will you institute?
Question 7. (2 marks)
After your initial treatment remains hypotensive with a blood pressure of 82 systolic. What further management will you institute?
Question 7. (2 marks) After your initial treatment remains hypotensive with a blood pressure of 82 systolic. What further management will you institute?
Sample Course Syllabus